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Antiguo 27-oct-2012  

Antiguo 29-oct-2012  

La canción de Tiziano Ferro no me gusta nada como suena, pero la letra en sí es bonita.

Voy a dejar una canción que es posible que haya dejado en algún otro post hace tiempo porque es una canción con la que me siento 100% identificada y además, me gusta mucho. Posiblemente algunos ya la conoceréis.

Antiguo 29-oct-2012  

Si, así es como soy lacónicamente.
Antiguo 03-nov-2012  

My body is a cage thats keeps me
from dancing with the one i love,
but my mind holds the key.

Antiguo 05-nov-2012  

es como un cd/mp3 o lo que sea de hipnoterapia

Nervous tension.
Nervous tension.
Is an unseen enemy of the human mind.
Nervous tension can cause you to lack confidence in yourself,
to lose your powers of concentration and to be inefficient in your work.
Nervous tension can prevent you from relaxing, can spoil your leisure hours,
and rob you of the sleep you need at night.
Nervous tension.
Nervous tension.
The purpose of this record is to train you in the art of relaxing
both your mind and your body.
Use it regularly.
Train your mind through repetition, to follow the suggestions.
Then you'll be ready to progress to side 2.

The mind remains tense when it is restlessly turning over personal problems,
worrying about financial matters, or the conflicts of daytime employment, or
fretting over the troubles of the world.

A mind so strained and tense cannot relax, even in sleep.
Night passes in uneasy dreams, the body is not refreshed as it should be.
But you can overcome this difficulty if you thoroughly relax your mind
before you go to bed (?).
Better still you can learn to relax from time to time during the day, so
that nervous tension never builds up to an unpleasant degree.

Nervous tension.
Nervous tension.

You will carefully plan your course through life.
You will think about your plans often.
Think about it with interest.
Think with pleasure of the satisfaction you'll feel as the plan becomes reality.
You will firmly imprint in your mind this phrase:
'I maintain at all times a calm, confident, cheerful state of mind.'
You will repeat it aloud to yourself at least 3 times daily.

You will give your mind and body the rest they need to restore energy.
Very shortly you will no longer need to listen to my advice.
You will absorb and understand the suggestions I have given you, and you will
learn to give them to yourself.

Nervous tension.
Nervous tension.
And now we shall begin.
Antiguo 05-nov-2012  


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