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Antiguo 11-ene-2013  

yo hablo bastante bien el ingles y tengo bastante lexico, por ejemplo:

facebook, happymeal,burguerking, pullandbear,prettywoman, gladiator,top,jackandjones,playstation,tenderchris p,mcnuggets,windows,pc,backstreetboys,superman,bat man,bus,spicegirls,....
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

yo lo haría sí mi internet sirviera para eso
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

I speak perfect English and without using any kind of dictionary. So who wants to learn from my just have to tell me.

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Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

I'm a certificated English teacher, and I'm able to teach as I have finished my English studies, and I don't mean to be snooty or showing off my habilities. Currently, I'm in 4th year of German, so who wants a bit of German can talk to me too you just tell me to.
I'm quite interested in helping as much as necessary. Kisses

PD: I have been to England 2 times too
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

Two years ago I went to Rome for vacation and, well, I was trying to get my ticket for visiting Castel Sant'Angelo when something very funny happened to me. I heard a woman behind me who told this: "I don't know what language this guy is talking but sure... it's not english!" Well, It supposed a little cure of humility for me. Travelling to european countries with no problem, passing the TOEFL examination with an 8, studying english since my early youth and my accent is not good enough for an american girl. Or was she british? I'll never know. Anyway here I am and if you need to talk someone, you can count on me.
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

Iniciado por Verandris Ver Mensaje
Two years ago I went to Rome for vacation and, well, I was trying to get my ticket for visiting Castel Sant'Angelo when something very funny happened to me. I heard a woman behind me who told this: "I don't know what language this guy is talking but sure... it's not english!" Well, It supposed a little cure of humility for me. Travelling to european countries with no problem, passing the TOEFL examination with an 8, studying english since my early youth and my accent is not good enough for an american girl. Or was she british? I'll never know. Anyway here I am and if you need to talk someone, you can count on me.
What a fucking bitch!!!
It was just a tacky woman with no manners.
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

Iniciado por Miss Ver Mensaje
I'm a certificated English teacher, and I'm able to teach as I have finished my English studies, and I don't mean to be snooty or showing off my habilities. Currently, I'm in 4th year of German, so who wants a bit of German can talk to me too you just tell me to.
I'm quite interested in helping as much as necessary. Kisses

PD: I have been to England 2 times too
Argentina, 17 años, y sabés inglés...
No es muy común que en Sudamérica a esa edad la gente sepa otro idioma.

Bahhh yo me manejo bastante aunque nunca le he dado mucha importancia al inglés. Digamos que vivir en un paisito que está bien lejos de USA y rodeado de países que hablan tu mismo idioma no favorece mucho el aprendizaje de idiomas.

Digamos que aprendí bastante cuando tenía 20-21 años cuando no tenía material en español pa estudiar. Después jugué algún mmorpg en inglés y tá. Después me oxidé porque los idiomas son así, cuando los usás mucho, los manejás bien, cuando no los usás nunca, los manejás ciomo el culo
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

oh my god!!! Cuantos hablan ingles aqui..

Supuestamente sé un chingo, jajajaa...pero la verdad es que no lo creo, por que nunca he ido a practicarlo a un lugar americano...

y no me animo a escribirte en ingles por que me parece very pretencioso...
Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

Antiguo 12-ene-2013  

Iniciado por Miss Ver Mensaje
I'm a certificated English teacher, and I'm able to teach as I have finished my English studies, and I don't mean to be snooty or showing off my habilities. Currently, I'm in 4th year of German, so who wants a bit of German can talk to me too you just tell me to.
I'm quite interested in helping as much as necessary. Kisses

PD: I have been to England 2 times too
Ich kann auch deutsch sprechen.
Ich habe sechs Jahre studiert, aber wirklich spreche ich nur ein bisschen.

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