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Antiguo 24-dic-2007  

Artist: Emiliana Torrini
Song: Gollum's Song

Where once was light, now darkness falls.
Where once was love, love is no more.
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say I didn't try.

These tears we cry,
Are falling rain
For all the lies you told us,
The hurt, the blame.
And we will weep
To be so alone.
We are lost,
We can never go home.

So in the end,
I'll be what I will be,
No loyal friend,
Was ever there for me.
Now we say goodbye,
We say you didn't try.

These tears you cry,
Have come too late.
Take back the lies,
The hurt, the blame.
And you will weep
When you face the end alone.
You are lost,
You can never go home.

You are lost, you can never go home...

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Tu Artista, Musico o banda favorita?? Fobia Social General 24 14-ene-2013 17:13
Podría matarla Fobia Social General 0 28-dic-2007 03:17
El foro por zonas esta olvidado! Fobia Social General 3 02-nov-2007 22:22
Entrad en el foro de aludidos esta de **** madre¡¡¡ Solo Adultos 7 06-ago-2007 14:19
he encontrado un foro de psicologia q esta muy bien Fobia Social General 1 23-sep-2006 10:34

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