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Antiguo 24-jun-2012  

WTF? retarded thread

Antiguo 24-jun-2012  

Leave the kid alone, he only wants one tiny little innocent FAAACK.

Antiguo 24-jun-2012  

Iniciado por pharaun:

any kind of hole? That's reckless
Antiguo 24-jun-2012  

Or you could try this one. I bet that the hole is big enough for your penis.

Antiguo 25-jun-2012  

We should have spoken more about this in English class. That'd have improved our English standards.

Última edición por cacadeavion; 25-jun-2012 a las 23:36.

Temas Similares to A bit of english
Tema Foro Respuestas Último mensaje
English Lesson One: the word "fuck". Fobia Social General 0 19-jun-2006 22:22

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